

Spring Is In The Air

I came across these lovely photos of our Lavender Wedding Photo Shoot and thought I would share.

So pretty. Thanks Tori Ava Photography, Bliss BakeShop and Fancy That.

Falling Leaves Tutorial

Here is another fun tutorial I wanted to share. I made this garland two years ago and I still love it. Infact I love it so much I made another one to hang across my bookshelf. I thought you might like to make one yourself.

Here goes:

NOTE: I forgot to put two important items in the photo-tweezers and a heat tool.

Distress Ink in vintage photo

Versamark embossing stamp pad

Naturals hemp string- found in jewelry section of Joann Fabric

A small leaf stamp

Old book pages but needs to be something with some stiffness.

Idea: Copy an old newspaper or book page onto cardstock that way the paper is stiff and

you don't waste your valuable newspaper or book

Glue stick

A circle punch I used 1 3/4 size

Embossing powder, the distress embossing powder is really cool because it gives you the rough weather beaten look but I also used gold and that turned out fine and I used a glitter embossing powder.

Here we go:

Punch out circles. For 4ft of hemp string I used 13 circles. Double that because these are two sided. So in all you should have 26 circles for 4 ft of string.

Distress the edges of each circle by running your dabber of ink around the edges of paper.

Stamp the leaf on the front of the circle with the VersaMark watermark stamp pad.

Drizzle on the embossing powder shake off excess powder and put back in jar.


Holds circle down with tweezers so you don't burn your fingers with the heat gun.

Apply heat until embossing powder is melted to paper.

Distress the edges of the white side of the circle back so when you put the circles together the

white doesn't show.

Glue the plain ephemera circle to the front which has the leaf. But only glue them at the top until you  slip the hemp string through.

Slide the string through the edge that is not glued and then glue the unglued edge shut.

It's a sandwich. Just keep adding as many circles as you want to the string.

There you have it. Enjoy.



Autumn Table Runner Tutorial:

As I was decorating my house for fall I pulled out my burlap table runner that I made and featured on my other blog last fall. But for you that might have missed the tutorial I thought I would post it again. It's such an easy project and one I am sure you will love. So here goes.

I used the ink I had on hand. A Ranger brand ink pad in Fired Brick. I also used StazOn Ink pad in Timber Brown and Olive Green it. I love StazOn Ink Brilliant stuff.

First, I cut a rectangle of burlap. I just eyeballed it. Then I frayed the edges by pulling out a string, one at a time until the fraying was the way I liked it. Burlap is really cheap and I love the texture of it. More than any other fabric, burlap says fall to me.

The leaf stamps I used were mostly from the dollar bins at JoAnn Fabric. Cheap Cheap.

This is all you do:

Stamp the leaves in different directions anywhere you want

It's soooo easy and it adds something extra special to your fall decor.

Note: this is a really easy project for kids




My new Fairy Bottles. Contact me if you need different wording and custom orders.


A cold slap in the face.


Today I got an eye opener. The cruel world reared its ugly head.

Etsy took down two of my posts. My Fairy Dust bottles and my Fairy Bottles With Wand. I was cited with copyright infringement. Below is my challenger.

See the similarities?? Yeah I don't either.

I had no idea that someone could buy the words Fairy Dust. Did you? I want to cry. What has this world come to that someone can own Fairy Dust? Have I been naive? I guess I was just doing what any artist does, creating out of my head.

When I envisioned my Fairy Dust I wanted to make children happy. I thought what a great party favor. I wish I was little again and I could sprinkle Fairy Dust on the ground and make a wish. I would wish that Fairy Dust was free to use. How can anyone own Fairy Dust. It just seems wrong. I am sure Cecily Mary Barker would be turning over in her grave.

Fairy Dust is lost to me. Can I use Faerie Dust? I don't even know.

The guy that lunched this horrible infringement has a case.

 He BOUGHT the rights to Fairy Dust. Who knew???? I certainly did not. His necklaces are cheese and awful and look like new age crap but I guess he felt threatened by children's party favors.

All I can say is that he has a long row to hoe. There are tons of Fairy Dust out there and I hope we sisters and brothers can pull together and make a stance. This is ridiculous.

But I will not be defeated, Fairy Dust will become something else and I will continue. 

Do you think it is wrong that Fairy Dust is owned? Please let me hear from you. I am very sad.



We are safely back from vacation. Yippee! Now back to work.

I have been working on a whimsical variation to my traditional pom pom garlands. I will be posting these in my shop soon. Here is a sneak peek.

I will post them soon.


I love this picture I took in Friday Harbor, WA. My kids went, "Hey, it's Gilligan!"

It really does look like him. "Watch out for the Victoria Clipper little buddy."


 Fancy That and Inkberry are having a wine and craft night at Bliss Cupcake Shop

I am so excited. During this event I will be teaching several ways to use washi tape. Each attendee will walk away with some really cool finished craft products.

Here is the link if you would like to sign up. Wine and Craft Night


I thought I would share a photo of our new Fourth Of July garlands. They are available by mail just email me at or stop by Fancy That



Hi everyone,

I thought I would post a tutorial I did awhile back on my other blog. It's a fireworks bouquet.  

I was messing around with ideas for 4th of July decorations and come up with this easy inexpensive swell Fireworks Bouquet.

You'll need:

1. 4th of July pom poms
* They are a $1.00 a bag at Jo-Ann Fabric
2. Glue Gun
3. Blue painters tape
4. Stem Wire
*Also found at Jo-Ann Fabric in the floral department.
5. Wire Cutters

Hold on to your hats this is so easy~ Just place a dab of hot glue on either a cluster of 3 pom poms or a single pom pom. Hold tight to the wire for several seconds. Once cool the poms will be secure.

For added interest cut the wire at varying lengths to create depth in your bouquet.

Now visualize how fireworks fall from the sky. Some are graceful with wide arches, some drop suddenly. With this in mind bend the wire accordingly. Remember to bend some and keep some fireworks shooting straight up to the sky.

Once you have done the bending, cluster the different fireworks together and wrap with tape so the wires don't twist around in the vase. I had to stuff my vases with tissue so the wire stood up the way I wanted them to stand.

Now you are done. Enjoy!

Today I'm happy to announce our retro sweet sixteen party we worked on with with Fancy That got featured on Catch My Party.

We had a blast working on this.


I had the honor of making tags and napkin ring holder tags for my friend Victoria from Tori Ava photography Her daughter turned 16. It was such a beautiful party. Lisa at Fancy That as always arranged the dessert table into magical feast for the eyes. Bliss made the cutest cake ever. Here are a few photos.


Yes it's true I worked as a florist for a bit. I knew I would use that skill one day. Well the opportunity came up recently and I jumped at the chance. I have been hired to arrange flowers each week at a beautiful home in Portland. I thought I would share my pickings each week from my favorite flower shop in town Sammy's Flowers

Here is this weeks pickings.

Here is just one of the arrangments. It's so simple but I love it.



Today my pals at Fancy That Bliss Cup Cake Shop Tori Ava Photography got featured on Pizzazzerie for our Vintage Lavender Wedding photo shoot. I am so honored.  

It always sends a little thrill of excited through me when I see my tiny itty bitty company name out there in the world. Here is a look.


I have three new items in my shop

Circus-Trainer in Training hang tag set

A Good Play hang tag set

The magical Fairy Dust Bottle with wands

Stop by and check them out.


Happy Mother's Day!

You have to love Oregon. This photo is from behind Ponytail Falls up the Gorge. Truly magical.

Hi everyone,

Drumroll please . . . .welcome to my new blog and website. I am so happy you found your way here through the tangled Web.

My wonderful and talented friend Lisa at Fancy That designed and put together my new home. It's beautiful. It has everything all together under the umbrella of inkberry-pdx so I feel complete. Lisa, you completed me.

If you are a faithful follower of swingtimedesigns hop over to here swingtimedesigns will close in awhile.

Well, I am really determined to make this a time worthy site. With that said, I won't waste one minute of your time. Here we go.

My first post is going to be a recipe. It's one of my mom's. Her name is Betty (photo below 1945). She has a lot of really good recipes so stand by for some good cookin.

Oven Caramel Corn

7 or 8 cups air popped corn
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1 cup margarine
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soda
1/2 cup white corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla, butter, and maple flavoring

Boil sugar's, margarine, salt, and corn syrup for 5 min. add flavorings and stir. Add soda stirring quickly. Pour over popcorn and mix.

Place popcorn in large flat greased pan/cookie sheet(like a jelly roll pan).

Bake at 250 for 1/2 hour. Take out and scoop caramel corn in a bowl and place back on cookie sheet. Bake for another 1/2 hour and then remove from oven. Enjoy. My boys love this treat. So simple and so good.

Thanks for stopping by.